This is the standard game mode. Points are scored by making complete horizontal lines of blocks in the Well. Greater scores can be obtained by ‘Quick-Dropping’ the tetromino - the higher the Quick Drop, the higher the score. Once 10 lines have been completed, the level will increase and the game will speed up noticeably. This will continue to a point where it reverts back to slower speeds. As you continue further into the higher levels, you will see the start position of the tetromino becomes lower - the Well top has been lowered! The game ends when a tetromino is placed in a position above the Well top.
BEEBRIS+ Gameplay is similar to the normal BEEBRIS mode but with the addition of new polyominoes for extra difficulty. These new shapes do not tessellate quite as easily as the regular tetrominoes. To offset this there is another special single-block - the Bomb! This block will complete the line of blocks it falls to even if the line is not complete!
This is similar to regular Beebris mode with some additions -
Progressive Advance
Random Blocks
Pre-Built Well
The same additions to Beebris+ apply here - new